New Business Name and Painting Events
Hello friends! How are you? I pray you are doing wonderfully and that all is well with you and your family.
I know. It's been a while since my last update. I admit that grief for my mom's passing last April has kept me away from the easel. But since she has always been one of the greatest encouragers of my artist journey, I choose to honor her memory by continuing to paint and share the joy of painting with you all.
First up, we have a new business name and a new signage in our storefront.
That's right, we are now "Esperanza Gallery". Our vision is to promote local art by providing this beautiful gallery space for art shows and exhibitions featuring local artists. Watch out for future invites about upcoming shows.
Click here to sign-up to our email newsletter
Secondly, our painting events are back and so much more fun that we are calling them Paint Parties! We will now be pre-tracing the image on the canvas to make this a stress-free experience. You can just enjoy painting and sipping while Esperanza guides you step-by-step from start to finish your own beautifully created masterpiece. Seats are limited so register now to save your spot.
Click here to view and register for upcoming Paint Parties
Lastly, save the date: October 5-6, 2024. We're honored to be juried into our second time exhibiting at the Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair. We had such fun last year (photo below) and looking forward to sharing this year's experience with you. We have amazing art to bring and also, drum roll: a raffle for visitors! Click button below for deets...
Click here for more details about the 2024 MB Hometown Fair
I hope to see you at the Esperanza Gallery and/or in one of our other events!
Esperanza Gallery 113 W Torrance Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Click here for driving directions